

Positive Psychology, the “science of what goes right in life,” is an area of research in academic psychology. As the German-speaking Association of Positive Psychology, DACH-PP e.V. or GAPP, we strive to make Positive Psychology accessible to a wider audience in the German-speaking part of the world.

We are a non-profit association that was founded in 2013. Our aim is to promote the application of Positive Psychology in practice, e.g. in coaching, counselling and psychotherapy, leadership, teamwork and business, and in education. Every two years, we organize a congress to give German-speaking practitioners and researchers an opportunity to network. Our first Congress Positive Psychology was held in Berlin on September 2016, 17th-18th and received great interest.

Please have a look around our website and get in touch if you have any questions.
We’d be glad to hear from you!

social impact

We are planning our next conference in Nuremberg in September 2018. We also promote charitable projects that spread the benefits of Positive Psychology in society and have created the DACH-PP Social Impact Prize to honor these. We will award the prize and 500 Euros each to ten projects per year.

Our members contribute to the work of the association and have the option to be featured on the website with a profile, and to network with like-minded users. Members have access to an exclusive pool of resources on the website and can join or create a practitioners’ group (Fachgruppe) to explore applications in their field of interest.

Zum Kalender